Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Random Acts

I have been getting to know a student-Marshal Turner- at Marietta High School where I am a teacher over the last four months. I first started to discuss with him at the end of the day his love of soccer in hopes that he could mentor me as a new parent in the sport. Further, we started to discuss him working with my son on possibly some footwork and fundamentals of the sport. Then, in a video he submitted, I noticed his Riverstone summer camp T! I was in disbelief! How had this never came up. How had I not seen him there?
So from time to time, we have small side chats on what a blessing the church is and what a truly amazing place it is to be apart of it or i will pick on him how I was really serious when I asked him to mentor my son in soccer.
Today he walked in with an instructional video from Challenger Soccer that he said that he still uses from time to time to solidify his own skills and wanted to let my son borrow it and work with it. I was definitely touched by his act of kindness toward supporting his teacher's son in his new endeavour. A true tribute to the people that are lucky enough to call Riverstone home.

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