Sunday, November 8, 2009

Random Act

his morning my husband and I took two of our kids, 13 and 8, to Chick-fil-a for breakfast. We were talking about the random acts of kindness and trying to come up with ideas for things we could do this month. As we were talking we noticed four yard maintenance guys outside blowing off the parking lot. We bought 4 chicken biscuits and the kids ran out to give them. I wondered what these guys were going to think- how they would respond..would they be annoyed at the kids interrupting their work? Let me tell you- my son handed out two biscuits, then my daughter handed out the other two and with the last biscuit she handed one of the guys a random acts card. Those guys were smiling from ear to ear. They went and sat down on the curb together and ate their biscuits and we watched as that card was passed around from one guy to the next- all of them wondering what it was all about. They were still smiling after they ate their biscuits and had gone back to work! My kids were thrilled to have made someone so happy with such a little thing!

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